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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date filter only working if Start and End specified

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  • Christian

    I am finding that the date filter query runs on change of the Start date which is fine but it doesn’t return all records after the Start date, it still returns earlier posts.


    Is does work when you add an End date


    We have done some customisation work so I can’t be certain without further investigation if anything we have done has affected the default functionality but is there a way to check the query being generated? I can’t seem to find it in the Developer Debug Bar, perhaps as it’s an AJAX request.


    Trevor Moderator

    Does it change the URL to the first example you show as soon as you change the date?

    For me, when I do these things, I usually use javascript to set initial dates (on page load) based on today’s date as defaults, but I know some developers do not. You have to check if anything is already set though!


    Yes the URL changes to first example when you click out of setting the Start date. Are you suggesting I should set the End date to today’s date via JS on page load?

    Is there a way I can see the queries being generated? Setting an End date seems more like a patch than a fix. Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    Normally, the Auto Submit function will not submit a date change until both fields have been selected. Have you done something that might have changed that?

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