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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date Filter: Current Date to Future Date

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  • ricov

    How can I filter from the user’s current date to another date in the future?

    I am also having trouble getting the correct results back. It seems as if the plugin is just retrieving every single post even though I’ve tried to restrict it to a single category.

    My Current settings are:

    Search in the following post types: Posts
    Results per page: 12
    Auto submit form: Checked

    Load Results using Ajax: Checked
    Content Selector: Provided
    Pagination Selector: Provided

    Post Status: Published
    Categories – Include: Provided

    Search Form UI:
    Meta Key: Provided a Custom Field
    Meta Field: Date


    With the latest update it seems like I’m getting the correct results back.

    But is there a way to filter from current date to future date? In other words, I want to use the date range but not have the user enter today’s date. I only want them to have to enter the future date. Right now it seems like if I don’t enter a start date it shows me all of my posts.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    Are you talking about dates in post meta data/custom fields?

    Basically, if you use a date field – it will return a specific date.

    If you use a date range – it will return results between two dates.

    However – there is a new option in S&F (with v 1.4.0) where you can add meta queries in the “settings & defaults” box – here you can choose your meta key, set the type to DATE, and then you can tick the box “current day” and use the operator >= which will show all posts in the future from the current day – I think this may be what you are after 🙂


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    Ross Moderator

    What is the format of the date? It must be YYYYMMDD


    Under Search Form UI, the date input format is YYYMMDD (ACF) and my custom field (call_for_entry_deadline_date) save format is yymmdd.

    Ross Moderator

    You mention it isn’t working anymore, so it did work for a time, but then stopped?

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    Ross Moderator
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