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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date and Time Ranges

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  • Richard Deakin


    Thank you for the great plugin, it works great for most of my needs.

    Although I have the following meta data for each of my “courses” (Custom Post Type): startDate, endDate, startTime, endTime.. Each course runs over a span of weeks, rather than being on a single day, and each course has a start and end time. I would like to be able to filter courses by time and date, so that the user enters a “range” for each. It doesn;t seem like the current version of the plugin will allow for this, as it would need to search for results with a date AFTER the start date and BEFORE the end date. I can restructure the metadata to single date and time entries if needed, for example date could be “20140404 – 20140606”.

    I would really appreciate it if you could let me know what you think the easiest way to achieve this would be, or if you plan to include this functionality in future.

    Many thanks,
    All the best,
    – Rik

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rik

    This is not possible in the plugin at the moment – its going to be a bit tricky to integrate actually… I’ll have a think to see if there is a creative way of working around it but I don’t think so…

    Leave a post over in the feature requests and then I’ll have a record of it and may look to add in the future 🙂


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