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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Datapicker language, target author and dropdown

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  • hamren


    1. How do I prevent the datepicker from changing language on submit? It´s in Swedish before submit but in English after submit.

    2. I use author in a dropdown. How do I write my PHP to taget only the selected user in the result?

    3. I use “post type” in dropdown. Why does the dropdown clear to default after submit? The filtering is correct but my choice doesn’t show in the dropdown.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Trevor Moderator

    1. I am not sure. Is this an Ajax submit? If so, what happens if Ajax is off?

    2. Not quite sure what you mean, but the author select field is a special case, as it will not filter down to the selected author. This is because S&F looks only at the posts table and not the users table. We plan to address this in the next major update.

    3. This is a bug and is fixed in the next release (due this week).

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