Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing The Results Page

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  • Anonymous


    I followed the steps on Customizing The Results Page but I am not sure what to do after. I copied the results.php file into the new folder but I am not sure how to customize the template for it. I use beaver builder on my website but no idea how to create a template for the results.php file. I am trying to create the results page with grid for my posts.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rakesh

    S&F doesn’t come with different layouts – it comes with the results.php if you are using shortcode method, or you can use a layout in your theme.

    To build a new layout, you must also know how to build a new layout in WordPress – if you can do it in normal WP, you can do it here with S&F.

    So really, this customisation is specific to your project – however there are some resource I’ve dug out before:

    Hope that helps!


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    Ross Moderator

    You can customise the results.php using the info here:

    However, to implement a specific design/layout is beyond the scope of support here.


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