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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing Style of Search and Filter Form and Displaying Current Query

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  • Leif Andreas

    Hi There,

    I’m running into some difficulty targeting elements in the search and filter form. Particularly the submit button and the placeholder text.

    Here is a page where the SF module is present:

    I’m trying to get the SF integration (which I have marked with text “search and filter”) to match as closely as possible the module below (marked as “desired style”).

    I’m also having trouble with the PHP to display the current query as part of the page title, and it seems to be stuck displaying part of the PHP code rather than the query. I’ve removed the PHP for now, but I’d like the query and category to be displayed in the page header where it currently has:

    Keyword: Application (this would be the search query)

    Category: USA (this would be the category selected, but will be replaced eventually by a custom taxonomy for the country)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Trevor Moderator

    Every user’s form styling needs vary so much. However, there are many snippets of such CSS in forum posts, and this search should give you some ideas:

    The search filters set/chosen can be found, but it requires some detective work (specific to your form) and then some coding.

    See this post:

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