Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing results page with elementor

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  • Anonymous

    I just created my first filtered menu for a newspaper library.

    I want to show in the website a section where you can see displayed a custom post type with three different filter taxonomies (year, month and number of publication)

    I created a page in elementor and I added to the left column the shortcode of the menu. After that, I displayed the results page with a shortcode also on the right side of the same page (I had to create a “Results page” previously as you explain in your documentation. Everything is working fine and render properly, but I would like the results to be diplayed in a three columns grid (see draft), not like now, where the results page display the image of each custom post in full size.

    I thought it would work to customize the result page in elementor but that did not work. What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance



    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Can you confirm that you are also using our extension for Elementor pro?

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    Also, when applying the filters through the button “apply”, the page is redirecting to the results page, rather than rendering the result there. Ajax is activated.


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    The extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).

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