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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing result page

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  • JAn Brokes


    could you please help me how to get used filter to resulst page H1
    For example here is the result for

    And I would like to have H1
    Results in Bulharsko with All inclusive

    Secondly is there any way how to rewrite URL?
    this is SF url

    this is category by WP

    From my point of view this is content duplicity which is not good for seo nor for visitors.

    We can use some redirect but first i would like to know if SaF has some tool for it?


    JAn Brokes

    3) if it s possible – is SaF “conected” with yoast seo or ultimate seo, in order to get used filter into page title, description and sitemap

    Trevor Moderator

    With the shortcode method, the URL re-write is not possible (it is possible only with The Post Type Archive/WooCommerce Display Results Method). This is a feature planed for V3 (being written now, release later in 2017).

    You can access the current query by adding code to the results.php file.

    I am unable to code this for you, but if you search the forum for this string sf_current_query, you will find some examples.

    JAn Brokes

    Hi Trevor,thanks for reply. I think I will be able to get data into H1 and some text.

    But wht about point 3?
    is SaF “conected” with yoast seo or ultimate seo, in order to get used filter into page title, description and sitemap?

    Trevor Moderator

    As to the SEO question, not at this time, with this version. These are considerations for our next major version (V3), where you will be looking at the option to remove/replace query strings with SEO friendly page URLs.

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