Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customized "no results" information

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  • Anonymous

    I’m wondering how to display a custom message in case there is no results.
    In that case I’d like to display custom content (using Elementor) – maybe contact form or header with some texts…

    How to do this?


    For a no results scenario, Elementor does not have a method to allow Ajax refresh of the results that gives no results. There is not a lot that can be done to rectify this.

    What tends to happen is, if you do a search that has no results, whatever results were on the page remain.

    I am not aware that Elementor has a solution to this, but you could ask them (it is their post grid that is building the results), we are simply passing the filter criteria to that.


    In my opinion – Elementor is used only for displaying results – this is only a grid to show results. Elementor is not a search engine.
    But SFPro searches and filters data.
    SFPro asks database, should count results, should display number of results and should display information about 0 results.
    I’m sure that this is a role of SFPro.

    If you send query to database you get an answer about the results and then you use Elementor to display grid. SFPro should get information about the number of results.
    That’s all.
    I won’t send an ask to Elementor team because they told me “we only display and information using our grid and something different is used to search”. I’m sure.

    This is a case for this app.

    The same situaction is when I use some wordpress templates with shop filters. I’m using Elementor to display grid with results but this is a role of theme to filter results and the number or results. I can disable Elementor but the number of results is still displayed.

    Could you implement these solutions to SFPro?
    – displaying the number of results
    – displaying any solution to display custom content in case we get “no results”.

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    Ross Moderator
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    And ?

    Are you working at implementation:
    – option “no results”
    – option to count results and show option “displaying X results”

    I’m looking forward to them.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Polviet

    Sorry for the delay, I was coming back on to this in a couple of hours.

    Some quick replies:

    1) I need the display method the screen shot shows everything below the display method field. I’m assuming it’s custom?

    2) Ok great

    3) Yes please, some logins would be useful. We recommend to create a tempoarary admin account you can later delete – but its up to you how you would provide access.

    In regard to:

    Counting results and displaying the numer of results and displaying information “no results” this is a taks of your plugin – no Elementor.

    I’m afraid this is not correct. When you choose to use Elementor post grid to display results, you choose to let Elementor handle the scenario.

    If you choose display method: shortcode, then you choose to use our plugin to display the results, in which case you edit our template and customise your messages / etc etc.

    If you provide admin details I will take a look to get a better understanding of your configuration so I can advise further.

    In regards to:

    – option “no results”
    – option to count results and show option “displaying X results”

    As I mention, if these two options are not in Elementors post element, then you can’t use them with that.

    However, if you use our shortcode display method, you get both of these, in our default template.

    I hope that makes sense, and if you can provide those logins that would be great.


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    Ross Moderator
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