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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customize the layout of search form and search results

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  • tubikitchen

    It’s absolutely a great plugin, hands down. 🙂

    However, I want to customize something to fit my website theme.
    1. The search form layout:
    – Change the background color of the Reset button and Submit button.
    – Put the Reset button and Submit button on the same row.
    – Set all Dropdown controls the same size (or specific size).

    2. The search results layout:
    I use “Shortcode” for “Display results method” option. I don’t use “As an Archive” for “Display results method” option because I want my search results to show on a particular page with a specific sidebar, different from the other pages.

    I add Search & Filter Form Widget to sidebar and the search results will show on a specific page, which has the shortcode [searchandfilter id=”217″ show=”results”].
    Everything is OK but I want the search results layout be the same with my website theme. I use SociallyViral by mythemeshop, which has a grid layout with 2 columns per row.
    – Default Search & Filter Pro search results layout
    Default Search & Filter Pro search results layout
    – My Theme Search Results Layout
    My Theme Search Results Layout

    I copied the file wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php from the templates folder into the folder in my theme (wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\search-filter\results.php). I tried several times to edit the results.php file to make the layout look like search.php file but failed! :<

    So, please help my to customize the search results layout.
    Here is the file search.php of my theme: search.php

    Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.


    – Default Search & Filter Pro Search results layout: SFSearchResultsLayout.jpg
    – My theme search results layout: MyThemeSearchResultsLayout.jpg

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    There almost certainly will be, yes. What you could do for me to enable me to explore that option is:

    1. Create a child theme of your theme. It can be really easy to do if you use this plugin and follow the default settings (making sure to select the ‘make active’ option):

    You can remove the plugin when done.

    2. Use ftp to copy the search.php template file from your main theme into the child theme folder, and rename it to search-results.php
    3. Set the search to use that template.

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