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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customize Results Page


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  • Maxime GIRAUD


    I’m having hard time to customize the “Result page”.

    Could you please take a look at my website :

    I would like to make the result page as simple as possible : Title + Medium image.

    It is possible to make a grid result ? (With an other plugins ?)

    ps : i’m using Visual Composer

    Thanks a lot and Happy New Year !

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Maxime

    S&F doesn’t work directly with Visual Composer layouts, but in order to customise these results, you must follow the instructions here if using the shortcode display method:

    I am currently implementing some features which *should* make integration with layout plugins possible, but these won’t be ready for a week or so – and of course not guaranteed to work with all – just a new option.

    Anyway just getting back to the grid layout stuff – there are a good few resources out there on how to make grid based layouts in WP – which is basically the same in S&F as we just use WordPress loops/queries, a couple I linked here:

    And as an FYI, S&F works with WooCommerce, which has a grid based layout for the shop – so might be a potential avenue to look into (even if its just stripping out the html/css for your needs).


    Maxime GIRAUD

    Here is my search page (and results):

    I use the display results method: “Using a shortcode”

    I would get this result:

    With the new version of your plugin, should I work on the display method “Using a shortcode”? Or “As an Archive”, or the new “Custom” ?
    I confessed to being a little lost.

    Thanks for your help.
    I just want a grid view if possible.

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Maxime

    Does this view already exist in your theme? This layout? Or is it just a design/concept?


    Maxime GIRAUD

    I use photoshop to create the preview.
    For information I use the theme to The Review :

    Is it difficult to create the results page of “grid”?
    If at first, could you tell me how to at least get this kind of result page:

    Thanks you a lots.

    Alessandro Cettul

    I follow this discussion. I think the plugin mainly lacking the ability to customize the results, then it could be perfect for me.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    You understood everything.
    The buyer must understand the name of the plugin.
    Search & Filter Pro.
    The plugin is not named “Search, Filter & Results Pro”!
    So Search: 10/10, Filter: 10/10 but Results: 1/10 …
    You’re doing it alone. … And if you do not know much, good luck …
    Sorry to be so hard. I am not criticizing the support that seems to do his best, but rather the nature of the plugin.

    Alessandro Cettul

    Yes, I think results display is a problem of many users who bought this plugin.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey both

    Yes S&F doesn’t have a designer/layout tool I’m afraid.

    S&F uses either a layout from within your theme (if the theme follows standard WP practices including the template hierarchy), or allows you to create your own layouts by customising WP PHP templates –

    The most common request I receive in terms of layout, is how to have multiple column layouts.

    I am looking at integrating S&F with a grid / layout plugin, so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.


    Alessandro Cettul

    For me something like this is enough:
    With custom dimension of “cards”.

    With this could be the top!

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