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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customize result.php with table

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 41 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    It is the right place, you must add extra html to the output. This is why I asked if you could make or find a page that shows results this way within the theme?

    Is it a commercial theme? Maybe I can find an example, then it will be easy. Otherwise, we may have to do this over skype.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    Yes it is. It´s a theme from elegant themes called divi.
    Maybe you can login and take a look?

    Username and password is in the combo box topic 😉

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. Divi. That’s easy then. We make a dummy page.

    Make a deleteme page (one to be deleted later – lol)

    Make the layout the same as you want. Is your search the 1/4:3/4 design? If so, see this demo info page:

    It is row 3 design #1

    Make the deleteme page like row 5 design #2, which looks like this:


    Put some content in each (text block, and then show me the page.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    Trevor Moderator


    That doesn’t look as I expected. I think we need to do this on Skype.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    here another one like you sad with text elements.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, that’s much better. Let me work with that? It may be done over the weekend. I have much to do today. I will see.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    Ok thanks Trevor!
    Hope we can get this done over the weekend. If you need any help, feel free to contact me!

    Trevor Moderator


    Sorry, busy weekend. Took longer than I expected to upgrade my server to EasyApache 4 and PHP7 🙁

    Sooo fast now. Like massively faster 🙂

    I will get on this today (in an hour or so from now).

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 41 total)

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