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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customize Filter Form Layout

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Steven

    Hello there,

    I’m really loving this plugin so far. However, I have a question that I haven’t been able to find an answer for yet while exploring the forum.

    I did find a post about horizontally aligning the form, and that was very helpful. But what’s the best way to go about altering the actual markup of the form? I’m using the Foundation framework from Zurb, and would like to have my post meta list items in their own columns. I tried browsing the plugin files for anything that would show the actual code for generating the form, but couldn’t find it (my PHP isn’t the best yet).

    Is there a file that I can tweak a bit to get the form to behave the way I want?



    I figured out some styling without editing markup or adding Foundation classes.

    However, I’m running into a problem with my .searchandfilter lists vertically aligning themselves to the bottom of the form. In the screenshot you can see they aren’t aligning together beneath the search form. I can’t seem to find what’s causing this.


    Example of filter li's aligning on bottom not top


    I feel like I’m flooding here… especially because the solution I found is so dumb and easy…

    Simply adding vertical-align: top to .searchandfilter ul li fixed it.

    Ross Moderator

    I love a flooding – especially when a user solves their own problem!! 😉

    Glad you got it sorted

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