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  • Ross Moderator

    Yup instructions for customising shorcode view is here:



    Thanks A LOT! the above problem solved!

    a new one, can i change the pagination from older post newer post to 1 2 3?

    Ross Moderator

    Sure, I’ve added some sample code in the templates so all you need to do is install and activate



    Hi, thanks for your help so far. Was great. One more question came up:

    Instead of custom taxonomies I want to use the built in wordpress categories to filter my custom post types. The reason for that is that in categories we can predefine the categories, while with taxonomies it seems that you can just add a new one like with tags. We want to avoid that new tags/categories are created by accident (missspelling for example) so we want to predefine them like its the case with categories.

    So if you know a way to stop the “just write it here and we will create a new tag”-option for custom taxonomies I would be happy to continue to use them.

    Otherwise I would like to use the categories instead. And here would be my question: I created two parent categories named “colors” and “shapes” and made two subcategories for each.

    Now I built a filter with two category fields. For each field I excluded all the categories except one parent category and its subcategories. Everything looks good when I view the filter in the frontend. Here you can take a look:

    The last two rows called “Farben” (colors) and “Formen” (shapes) are representing this two categories. But the problem now is: If I select a subcategory from Farben and then in the second row a subcategory from Formen it doesn’t use any AND logic. It just replaces the selection of the first field. In other words it seems as if you can use the category-searchfield only once per search form?

    I hope I made myself understandable 🙂 Thank you!

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