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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom taxonomies relationship

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  • celso fortes

    Ok, I have 3 custom taxonomies: “states”, “cities” and “places”.

    – 3 dropdowns: “states”, “cities” and “places”
    – When I choose the state, I need “cities” to auto match and show only the cities (on the dropdown) from that state (selected before).
    – When I choose the City, I need “places” to auto match and show only the places (on the dropdown) from that city (selected before).

    How can I do that? And where do I create that relationship?

    Trevor Moderator

    WordPress does not support relationships as such. Instead, it relies on filtering (as our plugin does) on a post by post basis and to achieve the effect you want, Auto Count needs to be ‘On’ in the General settings and for each form field you need to hide empty values.

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