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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom Taxonomies not showing up in dropdowns

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  • Janette Schofield

    I have upgraded my wordpress to the latest version and I have downloaded the latest version of Search and Filter (2.0) my taxonomies do not show in my drop down lists? Please can someone help me and point me in the right direction.


    Ross Moderator

    What happens when you disable ajax?


    Janette Schofield

    I have disabled the ajax through the display settings? Nothing happens it displays the title of the Custom Taxonomy but it doesn’t show any of the taxonomies?


    Ross Moderator

    It sounds like you might have misconfigured some settings in the tab “tags, categories and taxonomies” or the “post meta” tab – can you try emptying these out and see if you get results?


    Janette Schofield

    There is nothing in either of those tabs they are both empty at the moment? I can send you some screenshots of my settings if that helps?

    Ross Moderator

    Yup sure that would be good 🙂

    Janette Schofield

    Did these help at all? Any ideas as to what is wrong?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Janette

    Can you enable “show count” on all your fields, and disable “hide empty” ?

    I am curious as to what is being shown as the counts for the various inputs and if they will show at all.


    Janette Schofield

    It says (0) next to them? There are definitely items there tagged with the relevant custom taxonomies. If i go into the Custom Taxonomy for product type there 8 categories and each has at least 1 count next to it?

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