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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom post type archives page titles are all “blog”

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  • Bruce Cannon


    I’ve read issues in these forums going back years, and I’ve tried the various filter suggestions there and in the support articles.

    So far, I can’t figure out any way to get SFP to work with my theme.

    Without SFP, Yoast delivers my nice seo-friendly title tags on every archive page.

    With SFP on an archive, its page title is always “blog” or whatever my blog archive is called at the moment.

    It doesn’t seem to matter if I use display results method of Archive or not, and it doesn’t seem to matter if I use a custom template or not.

    It seems this should be a solvable problem, especially since it’s been discussed endlessly hear for years.

    Without having to turn off my SEO plugin’s title tag management system!

    What am I missing?

    Any advice?

    Bruce Cannon

    Sorry, slight correction:

    SFP on woo shop archive, using provided Woo display method, works exactly as expected. Display results load, yoast page title is displayed.

    Also, the post type I’m seeing the problem on is learndash.

    Do either of these help narrow at all?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using the As an Archive method, where the theme causes a problem like this, you can usually create your own template, and in that call a custom header template, and in that manually output the title, etc.

    It seems to be the only way to resolve this problem. It is what other users have done.

    Bruce Cannon

    Bummer! OK, thank you!

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Bruce

    Just to check, did you set display method to “post type archive”? This should leave the integrity of your SEO on your archives in tact.


    Bruce Cannon

    Thank you for the advice, Ross:

    I tried it, and it did indeed fix that problem!

    But, I can’t get ajax to work with results method Post Type Archive.

    I have only been able to get Ajax to work using Archive and WooCommerce.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ajax not working might be an issue of getting the Ajax Container setting correct. We default set it to #main, but many themes change it. For example, WooCommerce generally sets it to .products.

    You would need to examine the page code and see what the class name for the results container is.

    Bruce Cannon

    I understand, and thanks, I did make that mistake first. I eventually settled on what I think is the right container, more or less by trial and error and examining page source after theme searches, and SFP searches.

    But per your comment above, that some themes change it, and some plugins change it: how can I see what they are using? Where/how in a template is it indicated?

    I can see the loop in the template, and I can select a class or ID right above it, but that would make the refreshed content not include the theme search filter selects, so they would not be updated.

    I see the theme’s ajax search working on the page, and can see more or less where it’s loaded, by eyeballing, but is there somewhere in the code it’s specified, so I can be sure? I couldn’t find it, stumbling around.

    Thank you both for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    It will be done in the header code, and it is likely done by looking at classes used in the HTML markup. Where this happens, I normally recommend that some start with a template designed for a taxonomy archives, or a custom post type archives page.

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