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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom POst Type and Ajax issues

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  • jeremie massin

    I have a difficulty when I use the S&F plugin pro with the custom post type Archives since the last update.

    1/ on the general options : I choice my post type “ABC”
    2/On the display results, I choice Post type archive option
    3/ On my child theme, I created “archive-cpt1.php”
    4/ if test my archive view, it displays my list of entries. But, if I use a SF form, I have
    no results and the page
    the title isn’t the good one
    and I don’t get the good page archive.

    as you can see on front page :

    With an other configuration in the display result : “as an archive” with the name archive,
    we have the good results and the good page archive but still not the right title (the title is the title of the page blog)

    Other issue, the load results ajax doesn’t work also.

    Best regards

    Trevor Moderator
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