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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro custom or shortcode method fails with infinite scroll

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  • Stefano
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    Trevor Moderator

    I looked at the results.php file in the 2020 folder and it was not correct. I have added the correct content for that PHP file. However, whilst the HTML is now correct. It does not work. I did a quick test with the same theme (2020) on my own server and it works.

    This suggests that there might be a plugin conflict. Can you first deactivate all other plugins and test, and if that works, then reactivate them one at a time?

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    Trevor Moderator

    OK. The Found xx results keeps appearing, but I suspect a code error somewhere in the template.

    I found two errors in the form. If you switch to Normal pagination, the pagination selector was missing. It should still be there as:

    .pagination a

    And, the ‘Infinite Scroll Trigger’ was set to -100px, but it should not have the units, instead simply be -100.

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