Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom Fields & Result Display


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  • Anonymous

    I purchased the Search & Filter Pro and would like to build a very simmilar application as in your demo (the movie filter just for books).
    I would like to filter for the custom fields and display the information out of the custom field on the result page (as a preview).
    Can you tell me how this works?
    With kind regards


    If you have the same theme (we used Twenty Seventeen, it would be good to start with this to practice), this post talks about our demo page:

    And has a link to the template used.

    Do note that the display of the results/posts is controlled by the theme/page builder plugin that you are using, and so if the display does not contain what you want to show, some coding is usually needed to display that extra information. The advantage of using our demo files is you can see how we did it.


    Dear Trevor,
    thank you for comming back at me.
    I use the theme Twenty Twenty and have problems to solve the issue above.

    Is there a way to solve my problem with a plugin like “Archivist – Custom Archive Templates”?

    Where is defined how the preview of the information in the filterview looks like?
    In an archive page?
    In a single page template?
    I have no idea where I have to search to edit this.

    I really hope you can help me once more.

    Thanks a lot and with kind regards


    If you aren’t in to coding, then I would suggest this method:

    Once you have a page that sort of works, if there is something missing or you can’t figure, please get back to me?

    I am assuming you do not have a premium page builder available (like Elementor Pro), which is why I suggest the above method, as the plugin for that is free.

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