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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom display results

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  • Jean-Baptiste Turmel

    I am trying to customize how my results are displayed with the archive method. For now, it seems like if I am stuck with the index.php format from the Astra template I am using. I tried to specify another template, but I cannot find where I can specify this information. Do you know how I can find this ?
    Another option seems to be to attach S&F results to a query, but this has no impact on the way the results are displayed.
    Thanks in advance for your help !

    Trevor Moderator

    You may need to use some form of page builder (like Elementor Pro or a similar plugin) or use this method, when working with the Astra theme:

    This is because Astra is a framework and not so easy to be able to modify (the construction of pages is hidden in their framework code).

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