Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom date filter

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’m currently developing a portfolio with ACF Pro and Search & Filter Pro.

    I have a Custom Post Type for the Portfolio items, I added a custom field to add a Date for each work. I’m not using the publish date from WordPress, I need to use the Portfolio work publication date.

    How can I filter the results by date with the following options?

    Filter by date
    – This month
    – This year

    When I add the ACF field in the S&F Pro, I get all of the dates in the front-end, like this:

    Filter by date

    – 03302018
    – 05012018
    – 12012017



    You would need to make separate fields for month and year and search on them. We cannot extract them from the date stored.


    OK, thanks Trevor for the fast reply. I’ll change the approach and create the new fields.

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