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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Create “top 10” lists of CPTs grouped by ACF field value

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Boris Hoekmeijer

    Hi Trevoer,
    thanks for that. I will wait for an update from you or Ross.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Boris

    Creating this code is the realm of custom work – are you comfortable editing php?

    I should be able to give some pointers.


    Boris Hoekmeijer

    Hi Ross,
    I’m okay editing PHP, but not writing it myself. If you can give me some pointers, that would be very helpful, thanks!!

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Boris

    So I had a little play with this and got it half working – it will be for you to tidy up.

    Basically, there is a PHP function for sorting arrays by properties – usort (in this case we want to sort the array by count) :

    function cmp_reorder_desc($a, $b) {
        return $a->count < $b->count;
    function reorder_options_count( $input_object, $sfid ) {
    	// change _sft_level for your field name
    	if($input_object['name']!=='_sft_level') {
    		return $input_object;
    	if ( ! isset( $input_object['options'] ) ) {
    		return $input_object;
    	if ( ! is_array( $input_object['options'] ) ) {
    		return $input_object;
    	// $input_object['options'] // this is an array of options
    	// An option has 3 properties (and a few more):
    	//this doesn't take into consideration the first option "All items" - you might want to remove it (it is the first option: )
    	// $input_object['options'][0] and re-add to the array, after the sorting
    	// we can use the PHP function to sort an array by "count": 
    	echo usort( $input_object['options'], "cmp_reorder_desc");
    	return $input_object;
    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'reorder_options_count', 10, 2);

    I added some notes in for you, remember to change the field name at the beginning to your own.


Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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