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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Create a search form like the demo "Movie Reviews"

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  • Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Great to speak with you Elena. Hopefully that call got you moving forwards, but feel free to pick this thread up to follow up?


    Hi Trevor!

    Thanks again for your great support: I managed to improve the layout of the results and the search aspect and it’s starting to look as I imagined it.

    The actual search is still not working, though.
    If I tick the taxonomy “amicizia” (friendship) and then “ridere” (laugh), for instance, the results all include the first mood but not the other.

    I’m using the taxonomy and the custom posts as you instructed.

    How can I fix that?

    Thanks again!

    Trevor Moderator

    There is a plugin causing a javascript error (which disables ajax). It is My Sticky Menu.

    You might want to deactivate that and try again. Then if all is OK, try a different plugin, like this one:


    Hi again!

    Sorry to bother you again, I’ve tried disabling the plugin, but it’s still not working… The results only show the first mood I choose and if I add another (or change the first with another) it doesn’t show the correct results.


    Trevor Moderator


    My PC crashed just after I typed a reply, and I hadn’t realised it had not sent 🙁

    Can you try deactivating as many plugins as you can, whilst keeping the taxonomy and form still active? Something in your wordpress setup (plugins or theme) is not working right.



    I’ve disactivated all the plugins except for: Custom Post Type UI, Orbisius Child Theme Creator and Search & Filter Pro but the problem remains unchanged.
    I’ve noticed that if I select the mood “amicizia” first and then I add others, the url of the page immediately changes to and it seems the plugin doesn’t take into consideration other choices after the first one and the results don’t change if I change the first choice I had selected.
    The results shown are still just the ones which include the first choice (“amicizia” in this case).

    Is there something else I could do?

    Trevor Moderator

    When you do that, are you using Chrome? If so, do that search, then select another option, then look in the browser console for javascript errors. I can still see one for mystickymenu.


    I see it too, but I had tried disabling it and it still didn’t work.
    Now I’ve completely removed My sticky menu, and I’ve tried with a different mood first, the same result: it shows only the results containing the fist choice but not the ones containing the first and second, third etc. choice.

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