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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Create a search form like the demo "Movie Reviews"

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  • Elena


    First of all thank you for this beautiful plugin!

    I’m using it to offer the chance to my users to combine different categories/genres of tv series to find the most suitable one for their current mood.

    I’ve already created several pages with the descriptions of the tv shows and applied tags (representing the various genres) and used the free search and filter plugin. Now I’ve decided to switch to Pro, to customize the seach and result page more.

    I have 2 problems:

    1) in the current way I’ve tried to arrange the search form (, the filters don’t seem to work: if I select one or more tags, they show also pages which don’t have any of the tags I’ve selected.

    2) I’d like to create a layout as close as possible to your demo “Movie Reviews” ( but I’m sorry I don’t know where to start.
    Could you please help?

    Thank you,

    best regards,

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, this:

    Or should I create just one taxonomy (“moods”) which will contain all the moods/tags I’ve created?

    Once you have made the taxonomy and associated it with the post type, it will appear just like categories do (to make it look exactly the same, find the hierarchical option for the taxonomy and switch it on), under the categories meta box. Then in the form, you place it using the Taxonomy form UI element.

    Trevor Moderator

    As well, you might have a different taxonomy, called genre, and in this you might have Comedy, Chat Show, Soap, etc.

    And another for Age Rating ….


    Thanks again for the quick reply.

    I’ve added the taxonomy “Umore” (“Mood” in Italian) and I’ve edited some pages to do a test, copying the tags I’d chosen and pasting them in the new Taxonomy section.

    I’ve edited Search and Filter search form to show the new taxonomy, and this works, but the results are still wrong: I see all the pages I’ve created, also the ones which do not have any taxonomy associated and the ones which have a taxonomy but are not associated with the mood or moods I’ve selected in my search.

    I must be doing something wrong…

    The search page is here:

    Thanks again for all the help!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Mmmm. Looking at this, you are using ‘pages’ to store what are really custom posts. How is your spoken English? Are we able to Skype so I can talk to you and show you (you would need a laptop or desktop with mic/webcam and speakers/headset)?

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