Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Couple different Search Forms on the same webpage


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  • Anonymous


    I have a question – is it possible to place few different search forms on the same page and make them work together?

    I’m using elementor. And the thing is that I want to display my posts in the grid instead of one under the other. And we have a lot of categories / tags that a user can filter by. So if I’m using just one filter form, in the sidebar (search, categories, tags), it leaves me with A LOT of white space in the main posts container. Especially after at least one filter is applied.

    So I want to have them separated, in bookmarked columns, so user can switch between bookmarks for different filtering options.

    But when I have 3 separate filter forms: for search form, for categories filter and for tags – they don’t work “together”. When I filter by a category, the tags count doesn’t change. And when I want to apply a category filter and a tag filter together – it’s not possible at all. It’s either one or the other.

    Or maybe there’s a way to ‘bookmark’ filter terms in one filter form, so each term has it’s own ‘column’?

    i hope I made things clear enough… Let me know if you have any questions!


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    In the current version of our plugin, what you want is not possible, sorry. In your scenario, it must be one form on the page, as two or more forms cannot ‘talk’ to each other, nor control the same grid.

    What you seek to achieve should become an option in V3, when we release it, hopefully next Spring.

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