Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Connecting search & filter fields with Google Analytics

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  • Anonymous

    we have a question regarding Search & Filter fields.

    Can we connect field with Google Analytics.

    We are using:
    – WordPress Version 5.5.3
    – Search & Filter Pro 2.5.2
    – Elementor Pro for design

    Thank you in advance.
    Future Vision


    What you want requires that our plugin uses (or can be enabled to use) transients, which then an analytics plugin would be able to collect data from. I do not think this is something we will be able to offer until after we release V3 (due in a few months), but it might still be some time after that release before this type of feature arrives.

    The simple answer is, not now, sorry.


    FWIW I setup some Events in Google Tag Manager to record clicks on the various fields so that at least we know how often the users interact with the fields. It was pretty easy to setup if you already have GTM activated.


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