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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro conditional select menus part 2

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  • dann hanks

    Hi, I started a thread here about conditional select menus.

    Now, further into this project, I have noticed that it’s not really working, it’s showing some of the values but not all of them, not really sure how to troubleshoot this one…

    Thanks in advance!

    : )


    dann hanks

    Hi, I have just turned on the ‘enable count’ settings and can see it’s well off. It’s giving me 0’s in regions that I know are there properties. if I select one of the ‘0’ fields and hit search, it gives me a list of the items in that region, so the search is working but the autocount isn’t, this will be why the issue above is happening but I have no idea why…

    Thanks if you can help!

    dann hanks

    hi, it was a plugin conflict!

    All working now

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