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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Conditional search fields

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  • Alan Pratt

    Is it possible for search fields to be displayed/hidden, based on the value of another?

    I have some search criteria that is not relevant for another.

    For example:

    Type of accomodation
    [] House
    [] Motorhome

    and if you select House, it would show search fields for how many rooms, bedrooms. If you select Motorhome, you would want the search fields for engine size, seat belts etc.

    But not have these all showing, only if the relevant search field elsewhere is met.

    Trevor Moderator

    Such conditionality is not possible in our plugin, sorry. This may be something we will be adding in V3, which we are working on.

    Ritchie Sieradzki

    Hi, just registering my interest in this too. I’ve just upgraded to Developer licence, hoping this would already be possible 🙂

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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