Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Compare page

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  • Anonymous

    ok thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    I’ve had a look.

    Turns out S&F and Divi are working ok, just a couple of users with issues were using Divi.

    So, just to clarify, you cannot get all these plugins playing nice, but if you disable the compare plugin, S&F works, but if you enable it, S&F doesn’t work?



    S&F does not work no matter if I disable or if I enable

    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    I took a look and S&F seems to be working ok – I placed the form on another page: – and as you can see, when you use it, it takes you to the shop with the correct search results.

    Now the question is, how can you add the search form to your shop page? I cannot see any sidebar / widget area to add this – so this really is a theme restriction – not allowing things to be added to the shop page.

    In this case, you must edit the template file for displaying the shop – and add the shortcode in there.

    The shop is usually displayed using the template file woocommerce/archive-product.php so you must edit this file (in your theme) and add the S&F form to that page – something like:

    <?php echo do_shortcode("[searchandfilter id='2800']"); ?>

    I hope that makes sense.


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