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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Combining Search & Filter and Relevanssi

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  • Ramon de Punder

    Hi there!

    I have some problems combining the Search & Filter Pro and the Relevanssi plugin on my website When I use the Relevanssi separately, I find the documents I want to find. However, when using the Search & Filter Pro I do not find any documents. Is it possible that I’m searching for anything else than documents (posts/pages/something else). I am not sure whether the Relevanssi plugin is enabled well. I enabled it in the settings field of Search & Filter Pro, but as I already said, it isn’t working anymore.

    Another question has to do with the types of categories I want visitors to choose. WordPress only has one Category option. I want visitors to see a search form, where they can pick out one of each of the following options:
    – Subject (search field)
    – Category (old exam/practice exam/theory/video)
    – Course (different types of mathematics)
    – Grade (1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
    However, all the options mentioned are categories, so if I add a box where they can choose the category, they get a list with all the categories, not only specified ones. The only results I want them to see are media files.

    Kind regards

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you add additional custom taxonomies (use a plugin called CPT UI)? On the search form UI they are under Taxonomies. As to Relevanssi, I do not know without seeing a search page and the admin of the site.

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor!

    Thanks for you answer. I just added the custom taxonomies as you suggested. The search form looks exactly as I want it to look now! However, there is one more problem. I want visitor to go to a specified page when they execute their search command. If I pick the categories I want and then search for some subject, nothing happens now, while the categories seem to indicate that there should be some results in these categories…

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    This is the form on the home page? All the counts are 0? Did you allocate these new taxonomies to have values in the posts?

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    You’re right. I just deleted the media files, because they were wrongly named. I am now adding them again. So in a few minutes the counts will be positive again.

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    I am now facing some problems allocating the media files to these taxonomies. When I had this bug fixed, I was still using tags, so this problem is new.

    What makes it so strange (see this image: is that it states that both the categories have 0 media files in it, while the total amount of files equals 2. If I click on one of these zeros, I get a list with 1 file, so this suggests that these files are connected to the categories, but still something goes wrong….

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    I think that you need to send me admin logins so I can see what is going on. You can make a private reply here.

    Ramon de Punder
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    Ramon de Punder
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    Trevor Moderator
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