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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Combine a keyword search with user’s choice of custom field values

Viewing 2 posts - 21 through 22 (of 22 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    We have a Movies Custom Post Type (you can add with a plugin like CPT UI):

    Attached to that we have:

    Custom Taxonomies (you can add with a plugin like CPT UI):

    Production Company

    Custom Fields (Post Meta) (you can add with a plugin like ACF):

    Average Vote
    Release Date

    Generally, ‘Blog’ Posts are or should be used only for actual blog posts. Other types of posts should have their own custom post type. Category and Tag are shipped as standard with WordPress, but should only be used with blog posts. They are really just custom taxonomies labelled as Category and Tag. There are tools to enable the transfer of blog posts to custom post types (Post Type Switcher) and also to transfer taxonomy terms to other custom taxonomies (Taxonomy Switcher). This way, you can go back and fix any data organisation errors you might make.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you have the same theme (we used Twenty Seventeen), this post talks about our demo page:

    And has a link to the template used.

Viewing 2 posts - 21 through 22 (of 22 total)

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