Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Clicking Page 2 and Page 3 Not Working

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  • Anonymous

    When I try to click page 2 or 3 at the bottom, it does not work. Any help is appreciated:


    Hi Andrew

    I don’t see the form on that page? Generally, you need to add the form to the page also (even if you hide it with CSS – although don’t do that until testing is complete).


    Hi Trevor, I have the form set as a widget with visibility for the admin only since I have to transition to S&F behind the scenes.

    I noticed this today:

    You can see that if a singular category or tag is selected, it will not load the 2nd page of results. But, if 2 are selected, it will load the 2nd page of results…

    For example, 2 items selected produces an actual link:

    While one, produces an odd character link:

    When it should produce this link:


    Another question: I will have 3 separate S&F forms in the sidebar. Each searching unique sets of lessons. I will have 2 tags that relate to lessons in each form. One of which is “Duets”. As you can see, if I select “Duets” in Concept Categories, it automatically highlights “Duets” in another S&F form. That might be confusing for a user even if it doesn’t show lessons from the other form.

    Any way to stop that from happening or should I make 2 tags that are unique, like “Duets” and “Duet Based”?


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    On the question of pagination, maybe the Ajax Container needs to be changed from #main to #content

    The other issue is a little more difficult to fix, because the forms are picking up the filter choices from another form on the page. Generally, on the results page, you should have only one form, otherwise they will conflict like this.

    It is also possible that they are conflicting with regard to the pagination.


    Changing it to #content did not work. It still results in the same error.


    Can you try it with only the form that has that page as its results page on the page (so, remove two of the forms)?


    Hi Trevor, you can close this. Your suggestion in this post also fixed this topic’s issue 🙂

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