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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Click on category checkbox with empty searchstring results in nothing found

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  • Janno Hordijk

    Hi Ross,

    Remember I’ve got an issue as follows: I go to the productpage and all products are shown. If I leave the searchstring empty and directly click on a category then no products are shown with a message No products found. If I enter something in the searchstring then it correctly shows the products filterd on the choosen category.

    So, it seems that if searchstring is empty the filter isn’t working correctly. What can I do to resolve this?

    Best regards, Janno

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Janno

    This is likely your theme – some themes like Avada will have a condition in the templates which say if search string is empty, do not show any results – but, you want this to display everything – so it will likely be some customising of your templates..

    Although you haven’t mentioned it, this behaviour is sometimes noticed when turning on “force is_search to true” under the advanced tab in settings (which tells WP & your theme that it a search has been performed) – then again you may need to keep this enabled, in that case I revert back to the original suggestion of taking a look at your template files.


    Janno Hordijk

    Hi Ross,

    Unchecking “force is_search to true” under the advanced tab in settings did the trick.

    Thanx again for your quick support!

    Best regards, Janno

    Janno Hordijk

    Hi Ross,

    it did the trick in Dutch but the same searchform with lang=en doesn’t work. In the template is no restriction on searchfield is empty or not.

    So, in Dutch language it’s still working perfect but in English as soon as I click on a Categorie or select a Brand with nothing in the searchform the party is over.

    Yes, I use the same searchform in both languages.

    Please help!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Janno

    How are you translating, what plugin are you using?

    We only officially support WPML – if you are having problems with this then I’m going to have to say that it is a problem with your theme or another plugin, as there is absolutely no reason that language *should* affect the results (in this way).


    Janno Hordijk

    Hey Ross,

    I use WPML. Let me try it with a default theme and minimal plugins. Wich theme do you suggest to use for thist test as you know it should work with that theme without problems?

    Ross Moderator

    Any of the WP ones – 2013, 2014 or 2015? 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    (actually I haven’t done extensive testing with 2015 so probably use one of the other two)

    Janno Hordijk

    Hi Ross,

    I tested with Twenty Four, disabled all plugins except

    – Relevanssi
    – Search and Filter Pro
    – Woocommerce
    – Woocommerce multilingual
    – WPML Media
    – WMPL Multilimgual CMS
    – WPML String Translation
    – WPML Translation management

    Check The lay-out is stupid now because of the theme but you can still test by going to and clicking


    Dutch result: 38 items
    English result: Nothing

    Best regards, Janno

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Janno thanks for doing that – in that case I will have to make a little test here using the same configuration but I believe this should normally be working.

    I’ve just emailed you an updated plugin, can you upload this and test and let me know the results?


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