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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Changing the design of the page

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  • Michael Matthes

    i want to chenge the way, the search criteria are display on the page ( — Weintyp and Preisbereich (taxanomies) can be on the same hight on the page.

    can anybody give me a hint, how i change the styling of the page via html or css?

    thanks for your help

    m. matthes, Der Weinblog

    Trevor Moderator

    I think you are wanting to make the fields in the search form (or at least some of them) work horizontally. The actual CSS required would vary from form to form and theme to theme, but if you search for the phrase:

    horizontal form custom css you will find many examples on this forum.

    You appear to be using the Shortcode Display results method and the guide to customising the results.php template is here.

    Michael Matthes

    hi trevor

    i tried …

    .searchandfilter > ul > li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 5px;
    float: left;
    .searchandfilter > ul > li:last-child {
    margin-right: 0;
    .search-filter-results {clear: both;}

    … without any result. i copied it into the style-css of my child theme. do i have to declare .searchandfilter?

    thank you for your help
    best regards

    Michael Matthes

    hi trevor

    the above css code DID work after several minutes (30, 40 min?). i’m making tests on the the developper site because spacing between objects in the height doesn’t look right.

    if i have any problems, i will leave a note.

    thank you
    best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    That means that your server probably has some form of caching, like Redis or Varnish.

    Michael Matthes

    hi trevor

    there is one problem left. it concerns the design relation between the input type checkbox and its heading. i don’t know how make them right-aligned.

    if i could send a screenshot, you would see where the design problem is. the definite search page is not online yet.

    and something completly else: the caching takes very long on the online version of the blog. it says that backgroundprocesses are disabled or failed. is there a setting in wordpress or do i have to talk to my hoster?

    thanks for your patience.
    best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Michael

    Taking those questions out of order. There are many things that would cause the background caching to fail, and you would need to talk with the host. I cannot begin to guess what the issue might be. We have never been able to find what setting causes it. The speed of cache building is directly related to the task at hand (number of posts x number of fields and terms in those fields) and the speed of the server and resources available to your hosting.

    Lower quality (often == cheaper hosting) can be much slower.

    I would need to see the alignment issue. A screenshot might suffice, but I might need to see the actual working page.

    Michael Matthes

    hi trevor

    the search is at functional.

    is there a way to adjust Preisbereich (price range) and the range checkboxes left? the same would be true for Weintyp and the checkboxes.

    and: does search & filter do the caching automatically when new posts are added (which happens daily)?


    Trevor Moderator

    Q. Is there a way to adjust Preisbereich (price range) and the range checkboxes left?
    A. Yes, use this Custom CSS to remove the indent (left padding)

    .searchandfilter ul ul {
      padding: 0;

    Q. Does search & filter do the caching automatically when new posts are added?
    A. If you add posts using the WordPress editor, yes. If you import them, the cache must be re-built manually, or as the new posts are imported one by one, you can use one of our actions:

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