Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Changing the Changing the Title in the Browser Tab

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  • Anonymous


    How can i change the Title in the Browser Tab near favicon, at present it shows Blog|inkthemes in all search results rather i need for ex: you search for:plugins|inkthemes

    url: link



    I am not sure if this helps:

    It is handled by your theme, its templates and/or any SEO plugin you are using.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Sorry for the delay. I am working my way through a backlog in oldest touched order first, so I have just gotten to this one.

    Your form uses As an Archive, so I presume it is using search.php also. Note that, when using Ajax, the Page Title will not change, so it is better to set it to something generic.

    Assuming you are using a child theme (you should be), make a copy of the search.php template file and rename it, e.g. search-results.php and place this in the child theme folder.

    Then edit the the file and find the header part (on line 19 I think):

    <?php printf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'twentyseventeen' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ); ?>

    and replace that with some Text, like Search Results

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