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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Changing results page

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  • Iñigo Flores

    We are using your Search and Filter plugin, and in this moment we use filters and search results like Shortcodes.
    We need to add more information to each of the elements of results, and we need to customize it. After reading the documentation, we think that the best option is to create our own archive.
    But we have some questions:
    1) We are only interested in modifying the results, keeping the Shortcode of the filters.
    If we create our own archive file, can we use the filters shortcode to filter the results? Works like our first option all with Shortcodes?
    2) We have to upload our archive file to the Theme directory, but we don’t understand what we means and do Slug.

    Thank you very much,

    Trevor Moderator

    I think I understand. You wish to use the Shortcode method, but create you own template. You still need to use our results.php template file, but customize it according to these instructions:

    This is only a simple exemplar template, which uses the WordPress Codex structure and PHP.

    So, what to do? You can replace almost anything you want in the file, but keep the if ... else ... endif and the while .... endwhile and transplant your own HTML, PHP and class names to replace our code. Do this slowly and test regularly, keeping backups at each stage.

    The results.php template code will run inside your theme’s standard page template, in the content part, called by our results shortcode.

    Iñigo Flores

    Hi Trevor
    We try it and Works.
    Thank you very much.

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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