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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Changing filter settings logs user out

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  • Kathy Brennan

    I am developing a site that displays prices only for logged in users. It is NOT an ecommerce site. The prices are hidden for users that are not logged in.
    When I change the filters in the form while acting as a logged in user the site logs me out. As the ajax changes the setting and filters the posts appropriately I am also logged out. So the items that I was able to see prior to filtering are now not visible.
    Please help. the site is supposed to go live this week.

    Kathy Brennan

    Never mind.
    I just realized that my SSL certificate is not active yet because the site is on a temporary domain and so essentially the URL changes to https:// once I log in. So I am on a different URL once I filter and go back to http://.
    Maybe this will be of help to someone else!

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