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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Change message of no-post-found

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  • María Martín Medina


    I’ve been looking for info related with this, but unfortunately I’ve found nothing.

    When I use the search box and enter a text that have no results on the posts, plugin returns me the message “no post found”.

    I’d like to replace this text by another, but even when the plugin config allow to define some texts, I’ve not see option for this.

    Is there a way to do this? and even more, my real intention is replace this with some HTML, so I can insert an image instead of a text.

    I could do this using “Real-Time find and replace” plugin, but I want to use it at least as possible since it have some performance impact.

    Many thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    With the Post Grid plugin, there is no way (that I know of) to change this message).

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