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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Change html-structure on form controls

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  • Emir Kuljanin

    For this component to be compatible with, for example, “Bootstrap Material for WordPress” framework, the input search field and submit button needs some changes to the html structure and css classnames. How can this be done in the best way, preferable without modifying the plugin code itself? Hooks? Templates? Any examples of this?

    While I’m at it: it would be nice to have a field in the settings where you could add your own classname for the different controls. 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    Currently we do have a filter – – which you can use to add classes to fields;
    it works on all fields, except submit and reset buttons.

    For now we need to enable this functionality for submits & resets, which we will try to add in the next release (due soon).

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