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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Category – display count incorrect and how to create filter for 'year'

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  • Keith Crusher


    I’m hoping I’m missing something obvious – I’ve gone through the documentation, support forums and internet searches, but come up with nothing that resolves my problem.

    When doing a search for a term, I have a ‘Category’ filter with ‘display count’, ‘heirarchichal’ and ‘hide empty terms’ enabled. Ajax is enabled and I’m using the widget in the sidebar with a shortcode for the search results page. We are using Relevanssi and the option to work with Relevanssi is enabled.

    The problem is that the Category filter counts are for the total number of posts in the category, rather than for the search term.

    I can provide access to the staging site, but do not want to post the info in a public forum – please let me know how I can get the info to you.

    In addition, how can I create a filter for ‘Year’ as a checkbox, with the options being (hopefully obviously) the year (2019, 2018, etc) with a count next to each year and years with no results being hidden?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Keith Crusher
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Keith Crusher
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