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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Categories under sub-categories

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  • Lars Ole Bolneset

    I want to have my sub-categories to be under my categories.
    When i first enter the page, i only want the categories to show up, but if i click a category i want the sub-categories for that category to show up under the main category. Is there any way i can do this?

    Just like on this website:

    If you click on a category under where it says “Kategori” (It’s Norwegian) the sub-categories for that category will popup.

    Trevor Moderator

    Not really, no. Please read this post (NOT the whole thread, just the post):

    Lars Ole Bolneset

    So there’s no way to clean up the categories? I have a lot of categories. To have sub-categories under main-categories is a feature that should defenitly be in a filter plugin imo, especially when you pay for the plugin.

    Trevor Moderator

    What you describe is custom javascript territory. It can be done, and I think others have posted their code here before. I am not saying that it can’t be done, but not as a plugin feature, as there is no generic solution. If you look at the code on the dropdown for that site in the code inspector for your browser, you will see that they have written custom javascript and attached it to the form control. Great if you are a coder, not so great otherwise.

    There are plenty of suggested solutions to do this type of thing on stackexchange, but they need customizing. This is why we built the plugin to do this type of behavior but in a non-programmtic way, to make it easier, in general, to implement.

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