Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Categories shown at results

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I will do the search on categories (posts), it works well. But I now see the catagory’s shown below the results, and I don’t want that. Just the text and image of the post. I turned it off in de themes options, but I guess I’ll have to change things in the set up of the plugin?!


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    I will. It’s still a test, so it doesn’t look that pretty 😉


    I assume you mean that you are using the Shortcode Display Results method. Did you follow the Customising the Results documentation (so you have your own copy of the results.php file)?

    If you did not, please do so. Edit the child theme copy of the results.php file to remove these lines (63-65):

    <p><?php the_category(); ?></p>
    <p><?php the_tags(); ?></p>
    <p><small><?php the_date(); ?></small></p>

    These 3 lines are for:



    And it’s gone! Thank you!

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