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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Categories not showing in drop-down


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  • Sara

    Hi! I’ve updated all plugins but am having issues with the search & filter pro.

    I’m not sure when the problem began, but I can no longer filter by category and tag (nothing is showing up from the drop-down bar actually). I’ve attempted rebuilding the search tool, but that didn’t work.

    Have a look:

    I appreciate the help.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Lucas

    You’ve not updated S&F as you have with your other plugins – there have been some compatibility releases.

    Check the docs on how to enable you license for automatic updates: or just head to your account to download the latest version.


    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Sara, please do not paste your license code and email in plain text! Anyone could potentially use it… I’ve hidden your post.

    Also, please read my last message again which mentions how you can redownload the plugin for manual installation.



    Ah! I thought I hid that. Thanks! I’ll check it out.



    Hi Ross, I’m receiving this error message when uploading the .zip:

    Unpacking the packageā€¦

    Installing the pluginā€¦

    Destination folder already exists. /nas/wp/www/cluster-30002/auctrl/wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/

    Plugin install failed.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sara

    I guess you need to remove S&F first?

    Don’t worry about uninstalling – S&F does not actually remove any data when uninstalled (this is actually a problem I need to fix, but in this instance its convenient)..

    A better alternative would be to upload S&F via FTP, that way you don’t need to worry about install/uninstall (in future versions too, where the bug above will be fixed).



    Ross – it’s working! I ended up removing and adding the .zip file again. I actually had to recreate the search tool, because the original was redirecting to our home page after hitting “submit” – although the settings for the new search tool were the same, it was the only one that filtered correctly. Anyway, though, it works! Problem solved. Thanks a ton for your help.


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