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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't search posts in quick/bulk edit with CPT UI

Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)
  • Lisa Cerezo

    Ooh, hadn’t thought of that! I’ll take a closer look.

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you mind if I do a quick audit of the plugins to check most of them? It will require me to deactivate them for a few minutes.

    Lisa Cerezo
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Just make sure that I haven’t broken anything on the staging site. I think it is back to where it was. Nothing I can see about the plugins. So, either the theme or the slugs thing. If you go to Categories and then click the linked number of posts that will use a different url to get you to the list of posts with any given category, which tends to make me think it is a duplicate slug issue. BUT, that must be slugs introduced either by the taxonomy names or terms within them.

    Lisa Cerezo

    I’m noticing that the sidebar widgets need to be reassigned, but that’s to be expected from deactivating the plugin that accomplished that. Everything else looks good. I’m going to continue pursuing the slug issue with the client, since they manage their content sorting. Also, I didn’t think about going to the Categories list itself and clicking on the number of posts. That might be an acceptable workaround if they don’t want to edit slugs or if that doesn’t fix the issue.

    Thanks so much for your assistance with this!

    Trevor Moderator

    Ok. I will leave this open for now.

    Lisa Cerezo

    Thank you, I appreciate that.

    Lisa Cerezo

    Hi Trevor,

    After working with the developer for CPT UI, it turned out that I had one particular slug labelled “action” which was breaking the sorting function. I renamed that slug at his recommendation, and everything is working perfectly now. Please consider this support request resolved, and thank you so much for your assistance!


Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)

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