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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't make the filter work (my mistake?)

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  • Julius Miribung

    Hello Ross,

    I tried a lot, but somehow I cant make the filter work…
    On (its a staging site so no problem….) first all the results are displayed, but as soon I click one choice, all the results disappear. It should filter them, but instead I get “0 results found”. I also assigned all the results in the meta tags to some pages, just to test (, but whenever I make a choice in the filter form, I get “0 results found”.

    I hope you can take a look, maybe you see quickly what I do wrong?

    Julius Miribung
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Julius Miribung

    Hello Ross, I hope you find some time to give this a look! 🙂

    Cheers Julius

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Julius

    I have seen this post 😉 Still working through tickets today/tomorrow catching up from the weekend 🙂

    I’ll update you tomorrow


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Julius

    I think the problem is because of the way you are storing you meta values.

    For example in ACF you have the field chili and in there you have the choices which look like:

    Senza risposta : Senza risposta
    1-5 kg : 1-5 kg
    6-10 kg : 6-10 kg
    11-20 kg : 11-20 kg
    Più di 20 kg : Più di 20 kg

    On the left side is the internal value stored in the database, and on the right is the label that is shown in the admin.

    I think the spaces on the left side are causing an issue.

    Could you do a test with another new custom field (just for testing purposes) which has no spaced on the left side, or alternative modify the above to:

    Senzarisposta : Senza risposta
    1-5kg : 1-5 kg
    6-10kg : 6-10 kg
    11-20kg : 11-20 kg
    Piùdi20 kg : Più di 20 kg

    And then update some posts with the new field values…

    Does that make sense?


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