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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't get working with woocommerce

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  • Ricky Clarke


    I’ve just purchased your plugin and am having a little trouble using it with woocommerce.

    I want to use the plugin to search through product categories
    e.g blue, black, stripe, checks etc

    I’ve created a form and selected products to filter through. I’ve also added which categories I’d like to filter through.

    Once I’ve added the widget to the sidebar, on the front end the form doesn’t display the set categories (above) but displays the post categories (e.g blog, uncategorized etc).

    Can you please guide me how I can add the required product categories to the sidebar (using widget)

    Any help much appreciated.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ricky

    This is a simple one 😉

    Tags and Categories are pretty much the same thing as taxonomies. But tags and categories are reserved in WP for posts.

    Any other plugin/theme that wants to create new categories, never truly creates categories – they will create a custom taxonomy, and call it something like “categories” or “product categories”.

    So just add a taxonomy field to your form, and from the dropdown choose “product categories”.


    Ricky Clarke


    Ah yes, simple thank you.

    One other problem, when selecting an option to filter, the results don’t appear. It still displays the current set of products. The opacity of the product images changes (I think it the ajax) but the filtered results don’t change.

    Thanks again

    Ross Moderator

    Hey again,

    Please check the docs here –

    S&F doesn’t work directly with WooCommerce store page – but you must follow the instructions above to setup a new template for your search results.

    Check the woocommerce demo – and notice the url is not the shop (

    Please also see this about setting up your search results page to look like your shop:


    Ricky Clarke


    Thank you.

    I’ve followed the steps given and all working ok. The only problem is when on the results page, it only displays one result. not all possibly outcomes.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ricky

    Can you send me a link?


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