Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can’t get Woocommerce to work

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  • Anonymous

    I’m using Astra Pro, Elementor Pro and S&F Pro.

    I’ve set up a Case Study filter – and what I like about S&F Pro is that I was able to use a page with an archive of posts embedded in it, as opposed to a filter against the case study category page directly.
    i.e. versus

    It is great that the results and search to be on the same page.

    I’d like to do something similar for Woocommerce products ideally. For example, a Team Building page and a Hen Party page, each with a bit of blurb, and each embedded with a subset of applicable products. Then for each page the filter can be used to narrow these products further (based on feature, location and other attributes). All my products are variable, e.g. different prices depending on the number of teams taking part or the location. That said, searches by variations, such as the number of teams, is *not* a requirement.

    Is this possible? – and if so what display results method is required?

    Or does the filter *only* work against the default home shop page of Woocommerce?

    Either way, I’m struggling despite following the instructions.

    Let’s start with the shop home page first. My shop page is I’ve set up a filter on the right with taxonomies, each of which is a product attribute. Display results method ‘woocommerce shop’.

    I’d like the results displayed on the same page but they are being displayed on product attribute pages. I suspect it’s down to having the wrong settings in the ‘Ajax Container’. I’ve tried #main, and .products and even .elementor-widget-products (as I saw a video where .elementor-widget-posts was used prior to s&f integration with elementor pro) – but these are all obviously wrong.

    If I can get this working for the home shop page first I can – if it’s permitted – then get it working for the ‘group type’ pages, e.g. team building, hen etc.

    Can you help please?


    I think you may need to disable this setting:

    Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives?

    … as it is that which determines if it stays on the shop page or not.


    As an afterthought, you may need to build the shop using the Products Widget and the Archive Products widgets from Elementor. I think you are currently using the default theme WooCommerce pages.


    “Filtering on Taxonomy Archives” is now disabled, as suggested – so that’s solved one problem.

    I’ve renamed Woocommerce’s shop page in the permalinks to be online-shop. Elementor Pro won’t let me edit it directly (in the same way that it doesn’t allow me to edit /blog).

    I had already created a product-archive template in Elementor and added the archive products and products widgets to it prior to my enquiry. It is ‘assigned’ to the online-shop.

    Images aren’t that important to my products so I turned off the main image in the product-archive-template (something I don’t think I could do in the theme). Any ‘images’ you see in the shop may well be font awesome icons.

    As a relative newbie to Astra Pro and Elementor Pro, it’s all a bit confusing to me sometimes as to what is affected by Astra pro and what is controlled by Elementor Pro. Now that you feel I’m using the theme’s Woocommerce pages I’m even more confused and doubting what I’ve done!

    Have a look at Below the S&F Pro form I’ve added the equivalent filtering using “Filter product by attribute” – with ‘AND’ between terms throughout. The latter is returning the expected results, e.g. hen party (5 records) reduces to (4) when outdoor filter is applied and this reduces to (2) when Aberdeen is applied as a location.

    On S&F Pro however, the equivalent counts as each are applied are (5) – and displaying 5 records, rising to (6) and displaying 3 records then (1) and displaying no records. It seems as if the counts aren’t being updated as each filter is applied.

    For what it’s worth some products don’t have prices and some products are in more than one category. Both are intended.

    The pricing (and possibly ordering of same) may be screwing up results. As a minimum, 1 record is always returned irrespective of the search.

    Puzzling. Ideas?


    By the way, 1 record always being returned is intentional. However the SFP search above returns none.

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    I made a change to the form and added ‘Variations’ Post Type. For me it seems to work now?


    Looks good! As a curious sort, I’m just wondering why it does indeed seem to work now?…

    Here’s my thinking…

    Location and Location type are examples of Attributes. The SFP documentation states that “Attributes are actually Taxonomies – so simply add a Taxonomy field to your Search Form to add WooCommerce attributes as fields.” This is what I did and I assumed that was enough.

    I hadn’t realised that Variations would also come into play, given that each variation is merely a price for a combination of attributes and there is no price search in the filter. So, 30 products, yet almost 1000 variations! (and counting)

    However, I reckon it could be because the variations are needed to calculate the price range for each variable product to enable the low-high and high-low price sorts? Does that sound right?

    Whatever the reason, thanks Trevor, ticking the Attributes box seems to have done the trick! Nice work.


    Before closing this off, and to complete the picture, I just need an answer to my questions in paragraphs 5 & 6 of my original query please.

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