Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't get search by keyword to work

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,

    This is driving me mad.
    I have a search form with 6 taxonomy dropdowns, all working fine. Each of the dropdowns shows the result count and all of them update when I select a value in any of the others.
    As a filtering system this is working great! The problem starts when I add a searchbox.

    It won’t search custom fields created with ACF. I had to install a plugin (Search Everything) to get it to work. Isn’t it supposed to search for custom fields with no additional plugins?

    As soon as I write some text in the search field, all the taxonomy dropdowns lose their count.

    In order to see some results I had to display results “As an archive” (I’d rather use “Post type archive”, since I’m using a form for each post type) and activate the “Force is_search to always be true?” option. I’m using the post type archive page as the custom template.

    Can you help me out? I’ve tried so many options that I’m not sure what am I doing right or wrong…



    Hi Antonio

    Did you install the free Relevanssi plugin and then enable the Relevanssi support in Search & Filter Pro (advanced tab in the form setup)?

    In Relevanssi you can select what to index, including custom fields, where I normally enter all.

    Without Relevanssi support, Search & Filter Pro only searches the Title and Main Content. No Taxonomy or Custom Fields.

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