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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't filter categories


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Fearvector

    I have problems when I want to filter categories on my website. When i try to filter, it always to a page that says “Could not find what you’re looking for”.
    please help, thank you


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Fearvector, did you put in the correct post types in the settings panel?

    Sorry about the delays, you might have seen but we’re a bit behind schedule on a big release so fighting a mountain of code – soon support will resume as normal and be prompt as normal 🙂


    yes, i did. I’ve checked “Posts” in the settings panel. And I’ve also tried to tick all the Post Type in the settings panel, but still can not. It always couldn’t find posts.
    here is the website

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Fearvector

    Try enabling “use custom template” and set this to search.php

    The layout might not be right, but does it at least show the results you expect?

    If this does not work it might be that your template is using its own custom query, and not wordpress’ main loop :/



    Hi, thanks before.
    Initially it has been checked, it turns out it is happening is when I do not check “use custom template”, it worked. However, the results are not as I want, for example I have a category A, B, and C. When I want to filter out the category A, it appears all categories.
    Can you help me, please?


    Stefan Neumann


    same here, filtering by author works fine, filtering by category always shows all posts.

    : please post you results here if you get it to work.

    Thanks, greetings,



    the plugin still doesn’t work. When I filter one category, it always shows all categories.
    please help. Thanks

    Ross Moderator

    Hey both, are you using Ajax? Want to send me your login details via our contact form and I’ll see what I can do? (


    Stefan Neumann

    Hi Ross,

    i am using Ajax and WPML, therefor i opened a separate thread after posting here. Sorry for confusion.

    Best regards,

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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